Scuba and Free Diver, Shark Conservationist and Safety Diver, and Expedition Leader. Oahu, Hawaii

A scuba and free diver who is passionate about shark conservation, Kayleigh Grant runs Faraway Seas with her husband Cam Grant. Faraway Seas offers expeditions and a line of clothing designed to raise awareness about shark conservation. Kayleigh has a special interest in the behavior of humpback whales and tiger sharks. Born in Philadelphia, Kayleigh now lives in Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii.

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I love the mystery of being in and on the ocean! You never know what you’ll come across or experience and that is such a thrill for me. I also love the peace and tranquility the ocean has to offer even when there is no marine life present. Just being in such a vast, powerful, silent and tranquil environment is like a deep form of meditation and keeps you in the present moment. It’s very rare to silence our minds throughout our busy days; however, when you’re in the ocean, there isn’t much to think about except for that exact place in time. The ocean is arguably our most valuable resource here on planet Earth. Sadly, it is in a very fragile state due to climate change, overfishing, the single-use plastic epidemic, and more human impacts. We tend to protect what we love, and being an ocean lover, I strive to speak up for those that inhabit the ocean and enjoy taking people to experience and fall in love with our oceans! If people love the ocean, they’ll often be inspired to make changes in their daily life to help protect it.    


 I am originally from Philadelphia and first got into free diving and shark diving after moving to Oahu, Hawaii, in 2012. From the first time my mask hit the water and I saw sharks in deep blue, open ocean, I was hooked. There is nothing more captivating than seeing these animals in the wild. 

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I owe a lot of my success to Ocean Ramsey for introducing me to sharks for the first time and seeing something in me and believing in me. I am forever grateful for the series of events in my life that led me to meeting her and becoming an important part of the One Ocean Diving ohana. My husband Cam is also a huge inspiration to my life. Not only is he an amazing artist but he has a kindness and humility that I had never experienced before. He constantly makes me want to be a better person.

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Travel is so important to me. I love experiencing the ocean in all the vast corners of the globe, but also appreciate learning and experiencing other cultures. I do appreciate the beautiful things about humanity and strive to understand others and the human condition. Spirituality is a very important cornerstone in my life and beliefs. I believe in manifesting your goals and dreams for this life while also trying to better yourself. Yoga has been a great outlet that’s allowed me to stay in shape, become a better version of myself, and go deeper within.

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I cannot do a dive and feel comfortable without my Cressi Gara Modular Carbon Fiber fins and Nano mask. These two items are a staple when I’m working in the ocean. I wouldn’t be able to be fully present with sharks if I didn’t feel completely comfortable. I haven’t tried a set of fins or mask that I like better than these. I’m a lifer for Cressi!

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For me it was a no-brainer and really an honor to become a part of a family that is held in such high regard around the globe because of its first-class dive equipment. There is no other company I would want to be sponsored by. I truly hope to continue to build this relationship and represent Cressi in the best way I can!

FIND ME: Instagram @mermaid_kayleigh and farawayseas.com


Patricia Wuest

Maitland, Florida, USA Dive Magazine Journalist, Scuba Gear Tester, Ocean Conservationist. As the editor- in- chief of Scuba Diving and Sport Diver magazines, Patricia has had a 25- year career in dive...

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